Filmset Security

At Noah Services, we specialise in providing top-tier filmset security, ensuring unparalleled safety and peace of mind. Our expertise in TV and filmset security is unmatched, offering tailored solutions to meet the unique demands of the entertainment industry. Trust us to keep your set secure and your crew safe.

Our TV & Filmset Security Services

Specialist Filmset Security Solutions

At Noah Services, our TV and filmset security services are meticulously designed to cater to the unique demands of the entertainment industry. We understand the importance of a secure and undisturbed filming environment and offer a range of services, including access control, on-site surveillance, crowd and traffic management, and overnight asset protection.

Our security solutions are comprehensive. We deploy state-of-the-art surveillance equipment, including CCTV and motion sensors, complemented by our experienced security personnel who conduct regular patrols. This dual approach ensures a robust security perimeter around your set, deterring unauthorised access and potential theft or vandalism.

Theft of expensive filming equipment can be a significant concern; hence, we provide specialised asset protection services. Our team is trained to handle sensitive and high-value items with care, ensuring their safety throughout the production.

A Highly-skilled Team

Our security personnel are not only highly skilled in security measures but also trained in the nuances of the entertainment industry. This ensures they blend seamlessly into the filmset environment, maintaining a low profile while providing effective security. We adapt our strategies to each project, ensuring minimal interference with the production process, while maintaining the highest security standards.

A key advantage of using a specialist company is our deep understanding of confidentiality and privacy concerns on filmsets. We are adept at managing sensitive information, ensuring scripts, unreleased footage, and other intellectual property are safeguarded against leaks or unauthorised access.

We also excel in crowd control, a crucial aspect for shoots in public or accessible locations. Our team is trained to manage fans and paparazzi discreetly, maintaining the sanctity of the filming area without causing disruption or attracting undue attention.

Furthermore, our services extend to risk assessment and emergency response planning. We work closely with production teams to identify potential security risks and develop contingency plans, ensuring a swift and effective response to any emergency situation, be it medical, environmental, or security-related.


Choosing a specialist company like Noah Services for your filmset security is imperative.

We bring expertise that general security services cannot match. Our focus on the entertainment industry means we understand the unique challenges and sensitivities of filmsets.

By choosing a specialist like Noah Services, you’re ensuring that your filmset remains a safe, controlled, and secure environment, conducive to creative work.

Why Use Noah Services

Choosing Noah Services for your filmset security means selecting a partner who values the integrity and smooth operation of your production as much as you do. Our bespoke security solutions are built around the specific requirements of your project, ensuring that our services complement and enhance your production process.

Our team’s professionalism and dedication to excellence set us apart in the industry. We recruit only the most skilled and experienced security personnel, many of whom have backgrounds in law enforcement or military service. This level of expertise ensures that we are equipped to handle any security challenge with competence and efficiency.

Another reason to choose us is our commitment to staying abreast of the latest security technologies and practices. We invest in continuous training for our staff and regularly update our equipment and strategies to reflect the evolving nature of security threats.

Our client-focused approach means we work collaboratively with production teams, ensuring open communication and a deep understanding of your specific security needs. This partnership approach allows us to provide not just security services, but peace of mind, allowing you to focus on the creative aspects of your production.

Our Services

Our Other Security Services

In addition to filmset security, Noah Services offers a range of other security services. We provide event security, festival security solutions, and close protection protection services. Our event security services ensure the safety and smooth running of various events, from corporate functions to large public gatherings.

Our corporate security solutions are tailored to protect businesses, their assets, and their employees. From implementing access control systems to providing 24/7 surveillance, we ensure a secure business environment. Additionally, our VIP protection services are designed for individuals who require an extra level of security due to their public profile or specific threats.

Each of our services is underpinned by the same commitment to professionalism, discretion, and excellence that characterises our filmset security solutions. Whether you need comprehensive protection for a corporate event or specialised security for high-profile individuals, Noah Services has the expertise to meet your needs.

Whether it’s a one-time event or an ongoing security requirement, Noah Services has the expertise and resources to provide top-tier security solutions.

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