Close Protection Services

Specialising in safeguarding individuals and organisations, our UK-based team offers tailored solutions to meet the unique demands of our clients. Experience unparalleled safety and discretion with our expertly crafted security measures, designed for those who seek peace of mind in today’s dynamic world.

With an unwavering commitment to excellence, Noah Services stands as a beacon of reliability and discretion in the dynamic world of personal security.

Our Close Protection Services

Expert Close Protection

Noah Services takes pride in offering an extensive range of close protection services, meticulously designed to ensure the safety and well-being of our clients. Our services are grounded in a thorough understanding of personal security dynamics, integrating comprehensive risk assessments, advanced surveillance techniques, and proactive threat mitigation strategies.

Our operatives are expertly trained in a variety of skills, including defensive driving, advanced first aid, and crisis management, ensuring they are prepared for any situation. We specialise in providing discreet yet effective protection, understanding that our clients value their privacy and normalcy.

Our services are highly adaptable, suitable for a range of scenarios such as international travel, business meetings, public appearances, and private events. We also offer specialised services for families, ensuring the safety of all members, including children, in various settings.

Who Requires Close Protection

Close protection services are essential for a wide spectrum of individuals who face increased security risks. This includes, but is not limited to, high-profile business leaders, celebrities, dignitaries, and individuals with high net worth. Our services are also crucial for individuals who may be exposed to threats due to their occupation, legal situations, or personal relationships.

We offer a highly customised approach, adapting our services to suit the unique challenges and lifestyles of our clients. Whether it is navigating the complexities of celebrity life, managing the risks associated with corporate leadership, or providing peace of mind during sensitive personal circumstances, our close protection services offer a reliable shield against a range of security threats.

Contact Our Team

Your safety and peace of mind are paramount.

Contact Noah Services today to discuss your security requirements. Our team is ready to provide a bespoke consultation, crafting a personalised security solution that meets your needs.

Reach out to us, and let us be your partner in navigating the complexities of personal and professional security.

Why Use Noah Close Protection Services

Choosing Noah Services for your close protection needs is a decision to invest in the highest standard of personal security. Our team is composed of professionals with rich backgrounds in security, bringing a wealth of experience and expertise to our operations. We are committed to ongoing professional development, ensuring our methods and tactics remain at the forefront of the security industry.

What sets us apart is our holistic approach to security. We don’t just offer a bodyguard service; we provide a comprehensive security solution that encompasses physical protection, digital security, and lifestyle management. Our discretion is paramount, and we understand the importance of integrating seamlessly into the lives of our clients.

Trust, confidentiality, and professionalism form the foundation of our services, making Noah Services the preferred choice for those who value their security and privacy.

Our Services

Our Other Security Services

Noah Services offers a diverse range of security solutions to cater to various needs. Our film set security services ensure the safety and integrity of production environments, managing risks and ensuring the smooth operation of filming activities. Our event security services are designed to manage large gatherings, providing crowd control, access management, and emergency response capabilities.

For businesses seeking to enhance their security posture, our security consultancy services offer comprehensive risk assessments, policy development, and staff training. We also specialise in residential security, providing round-the-clock protection for homes and private estates.

Our approach is always tailored to the specific needs of the client, ensuring a personalised and effective security solution.

Alarm Response

Expertly tailored to meet the diverse needs of our clients, our service offers rapid, professional responses to any alarm triggers. Our highly trained team is...

Keyholding Services

Our keyholding service is all-encompassing. We don’t just respond to alarms; we conduct regular property inspections, manage incidents efficiently, liaise with emergency services when necessary,...

Mobile Patrols

With a focus on adaptability and vigilance, our patrols provide extensive surveillance across a wide range of areas, ensuring that every corner of your premises...

Security Consultant

Tailored to each client’s unique requirements, our service ensures thorough risk assessments, uncovering potential vulnerabilities and crafting strategies to effectively mitigate these risks. Our specialisation...

Close Protection Services

Noah Services offers elite close protection services, ensuring unparalleled safety for individuals in various risk environments. Our UK-based team, comprising ex-military and law enforcement professionals,...

Festival Security Services

Noah Services excels in providing comprehensive festival security, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for all attendees. Our approach involves meticulous planning and execution of...